The 1830 United States census, the earliest extant census records from eastern
Tennessee. Only the heads of households are identified by name. Other free white
persons are identified by gender and age bracket, in five-year intervals for children,
and ten-year intervals for adults. These records are from Overton County, Tennessee,
and every head of household named Allred is shown. Four of them are named Solomon.
The same 1830 census records, cropped for better resolution. Only the data for free
white males are shown. Solomon Allred Snr. is aged 80-89, Solomon Allred Jnr. is aged
40-49, and two other men named Solomon Allred are aged 50-59 and 20-29. Solomon Snr.,
being 80-89 years old in 1830, was born c. 1745 (between 1741 and 1750). He is not
the father of Phineas, Jonathan and Solomon of Richmond County, North Carolina.
He died almost fifty years earlier. His estate was inventoried on 26 December 1782.
The 1850 United States census, the first one to record the name, age, and birthplace of
every member of the household, and the occupations of the adults. These records are from
Anderson County, Tennessee, 35 miles east of Overton County.
The same 1850 census records, cropped for better resolution. Only the name, age, gender,
and birthplace are shown. This Solomon Alred (age 78, born in North Carolina) and wife
Mary Alred (age 74, born in North Carolina) are the couple named in the estate settlement
papers of Solomon Alred of Richmond County when his estate was inventoried in 1782.

1850 United States census records for Overton County, Tennessee. Listed is another
Solimon Allred, aged 80, born in North Carolina, possibly the son of the Solomon Allred
Snr. who was 80-89 years old in the 1830 census, now deceased. Thus there were two boys
named Solomon (or Solimon) Allred (or Alred) born two years apart, in North Carolina,
to men named Solomon Allred. The census records prove it. One father died in Richmond
County, North Carolina in 1782, and had a son named Solomon born c. 1770. One was born
in the 1740s, lived to a ripe old age in Overton County, Tennessee, and had a son named
Solomon born c. 1772. They could not both have been born to the same father. They
would not both be named Solomon. We are looking for two different lines of Allreds.

Also listed in the 1850 census for Overton County, Tennessee are Solomon Alred, aged 66,
birth place "not known," and, on the same page, Solomon Alred Jun., aged 27, born in
Tennessee; and Solimon Allred, aged 7, son of Theofilas Allred, aged 35, both born in
Tennessee. This family may have been descended from the Solomon Alred who appears on
the 1724 and 1730 Tax Lists for Chester County, Pennsylvania. It is suggested that he
was the descendant of John Allred and Ellen Pemberton of Eccles Parish, Lancashire,
England, who had sons named Theophilus (born 1677) and Solomon (born 1680). But he
could not have been the father of both of the men named Solomon Allred who fathered boys
named Solomon in North Carolina c. 1770 and c. 1772. If he was their grandfather, or if
he was not, we are still looking for two different lines of Allreds.

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