THOMAS MARION HETER

October 21, 1973  Uncle Marion Heter, an architect by trade, was also a widely known artist,
specializing in watercolors and in pen-and-ink drawings.  As a young man he studied art at
the Alice Brown studios in Sterling, and later with John F. Helm at Kansas State University.
After his retirement in 1968 he devoted much of his time to his artistry.  Several of his
drawings were reproduced as 3" x 5" cards, including two mailed to Eleanor and shown below.

September 25, 1973  Notes on the back of the card below read as follows:  From An Original
Crow-quill Drawing (Cottonwood planted 1893 - Southwest of Raymond, Kansas on Eatinger Ranch.
Spread 108 feet.  Height 76 feet.  Girth 25 1/2 feet). 

I am proud to own what I regard as Uncle Marion's pen-and-ink masterpiece, a drawing
of a German shepherd dated 1931, when Marion was 25 years old.  It was purchased at
The Book and Art Store, 313 North Main Street, Hutchinson, Kansas, long ago.  When I
was a boy it hung on our kitchen wall at Lake George, New York, and I inherited it.

  Thomas Marion Heter's drawings of the Arkansas River in the four seasons are HERE

Seven of Thomas Marion Heter's water colors of Kansas and Colorado landscapes are HERE

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